
If this is your first time to the blog, we invite you to take a look at past posts and news as well as the resources for students and teachers. The purpose of this blog is to highlight the accomplishments of the students in the bilingual program and to provide a space for language learning which is accessible to students, parents and faculty. News, vocabulary, and links of interest will be posted on a regular basis.

Si es la primera vez que accedes al blog te invitamos a que eches una ojeada a las entradas antiguas, a las nuevas y a los recursos para alumnos y profesores. El propósito de este blog es destacar los logros de los alumnos del programa bilingüe y dotar de un espacio para aprender inglés que sea accesible a los estudiantes, a sus padres y al personal del centro. Se publicarán noticias, vocabulario útil y enlaces de interés.

Monday, February 20, 2012

English Breakfast

Take a look at our new blog for English Breakfast, the discussion break in English over coffee and snacks. "English Breakfast" is a group for conversation in English at IES Las Veredillas: a collaboration between teachers and visiting native-speaking teaching assistants and teachers. This blog will feature articles, videos and comments to complement our discussions. Whether or not you're able to join us for conversation, feel free to browse the blog or subscribe to receive its updates.

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